Thursday, October 6, 2011

Start off Right-Two Minds Think Alike

I am going to add a little extra info. to today's blog. Not just talking about foods but telling you which foods people are recommended to eat. Meaning that everyone should be choosing healthy foods because of the many benefit it will give you in the end. Including, this video it adds another fun fact to my blog which is about being active too. That is one of the benefits of choosing healthy foods instead of fast food because it gives you more energy.

At my house we make something similar to what they made in the video. Translated in English it is called stir fry, majority of it is vegetables. For example, we usually put carrots, pork, broccoli, squash, and we do not use oil but a certain sauce. However, we do change the vegetables now and then to get different taste. About half the time the American way is to use oil but some people have found different sauces to replace that like soy sauce. My mom usually cooks the meat separately and then adds in the vegetables so that it is all hot. However, she does not do want to cook the vegetables because they are healthier raw. She just leaves them in there for a bit and then we eat it with rice. You should try it and tell me if you can taste the difference between one that was cooked in oil and one without.

This is one of the many foods that the American and Asian of cooking up stir fry are the same. I will add another similar food another day and give you differences as well. Like I mentioned in my first blog that I would be telling you about different foods from other parts of the world that I have been to.

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